Monday, 5 August 2013

Junk Food Vs Healthy Food

Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?
Published: September 24, 2011
THE “fact” that junk food is cheaper than real food has become a reflexive part of how we explain why so many Americans are overweight, particularly those with lower incomes. I frequently read confident statements like, “when a bag of chips is cheaper than a head of broccoli ...” or “it’s more affordable to feed a family of four at McDonald’s than to cook a healthy meal for them at home.”
Daniel Borris for The New York Times
This is just plain wrong. In fact it isn’t cheaper to eat highly processed food: a typical order for a family of four — for example, two Big Macs, a cheeseburger, six chicken McNuggets, two medium and two small fries, and two medium and two small sodas — costs, at the McDonald’s a hundred steps from where I write, about $28. (Judicious ordering of “Happy Meals” can reduce that to about $23 — and you get a few apple slices in addition to the fries!)
In general, despite extensive government subsidies, hyperprocessed food remains more expensive than food cooked at home. You can serve a roasted chicken with vegetables along with a simple salad and milk for about $14, and feed four or even six people. If that’s too much money, substitute a meal of rice and canned beans with bacon, green peppers and onions; it’s easily enough for four people and costs about $9. (Omitting the bacon, using dried beans, which are also lower in sodium, or substituting carrots for the peppers reduces the price further, of course.)
Another argument runs that junk food is cheaper when measured by the calorie, and that this makes fast food essential for the poor because they need cheap calories. But given that half of the people in this country (and a higher percentage of poor people) consume too many calories rather than too few, measuring food’s value by the calorie makes as much sense as measuring a drink’s value by its alcohol content. (Why not drink 95 percent neutral grain spirit, the cheapest way to get drunk?)
Besides, that argument, even if we all needed to gain weight, is not always true. A meal of real food cooked at home can easily contain more calories, most of them of the “healthy” variety. (Olive oil accounts for many of the calories in the roast chicken meal, for example.)In comparing prices of real food and junk food, I used supermarket ingredients, not the pricier organic or local food that many people would consider ideal. But food choices are not black and white; the alternative to fast food is not necessarily organic food, any more than the alternative to soda is Bordeaux.
The alternative to soda is water, and the alternative to junk food is not grass-fed beef and greens from a trendy farmers’ market, but anything other than junk food: rice, grains, pasta, beans, fresh vegetables, canned vegetables, frozen vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, bread, peanut butter, a thousand other things cooked at home — in almost every case a far superior alternative.
“Anything that you do that’s not fast food is terrific; cooking once a week is far better than not cooking at all,” says Marion Nestle, professor of food studies at New York University and author of “What to Eat.” “It’s the same argument as exercise: more is better than less and some is a lot better than none.”
THE fact is that most people can afford real food. Even the nearly 50 million Americans who are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps) receive about $5 per person per day, which is far from ideal but enough to survive. So we have to assume that money alone doesn’t guide decisions about what to eat. There are, of course, the so-called food deserts, places where it’s hard to find food: the Department of Agriculture says that more than two million Americans in low-income rural areas live 10 miles or more from a supermarket, and more than five million households without access to cars live more than a half mile from a supermarket.
Still, 93 percent of those with limited access to supermarkets do have access to vehicles, though it takes them 20 more minutes to travel to the store than the national average. And after a long day of work at one or even two jobs, 20 extra minutes — plus cooking time — must seem like an eternity.

Taking the long route to putting food on the table may not be easy, but for almost all Americans it remains a choice, and if you can drive to McDonald’s you can drive to Safeway. It’s cooking that’s the real challenge. (The real challenge is not “I’m too busy to cook.” In 2010 the average American, regardless of weekly earnings, watched no less than an hour and a half of television per day. The time is there.)
The core problem is that cooking is defined as work, and fast food is both a pleasure and a crutch. “People really are stressed out with all that they have to do, and they don’t want to cook,” says Julie Guthman, associate professor of community studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and author of the forthcoming “Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice and the Limits of Capitalism.” “Their reaction is, ‘Let me enjoy what I want to eat, and stop telling me what to do.’ And it’s one of the few things that less well-off people have: they don’t have to cook.”
It’s not just about choice, however, and rational arguments go only so far, because money and access and time and skill are not the only considerations. The ubiquity, convenience and habit-forming appeal of hyperprocessed foods have largely drowned out the alternatives: there arefive fast-food restaurants for every supermarket in the United States; in recent decades the adjusted for inflation price of fresh produce has increased by 40 percent while the price of soda and processed food has decreased by as much as 30 percent; and nearly inconceivable resources go into encouraging consumption in restaurants: fast-food companies spent $4.2 billion on marketing in 2009.
Furthermore, the engineering behind hyperprocessed food makes it virtually addictive. A 2009 study by the Scripps Research Institute indicates that overconsumption of fast food “triggers addiction-like neuroaddictive responses” in the brain, making it harder to trigger the release of dopamine. In other words the more fast food we eat, the more we need to give us pleasure; thus the report suggests that the same mechanisms underlie drug addiction and obesity.
This addiction to processed food is the result of decades of vision and hard work by the industry. For 50 years, says David A. Kessler, former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and author of “The End of Overeating,” companies strove to create food that was “energy-dense, highly stimulating, and went down easy. They put it on every street corner and made it mobile, and they made it socially acceptable to eat anytime and anyplace. They created a food carnival, and that’s where we live. And if you’re used to self-stimulation every 15 minutes, well, you can’t run into the kitchen to satisfy that urge.”
Real cultural changes are needed to turn this around. Somehow, no-nonsense cooking and eating — roasting a chicken, making a grilled cheese sandwich, scrambling an egg, tossing a salad — must become popular again, and valued not just by hipsters in Brooklyn or locavores in Berkeley. The smart campaign is not to get McDonald’s to serve better food but to get people to see cooking as a joy rather than a burden, or at least as part of a normal life.
As with any addictive behavior, this one is most easily countered by educating children about the better way. Children, after all, are born without bad habits. And yet it’s adults who must begin to tear down the food carnival.
The question is how? Efforts are everywhere. The People’s Grocery in Oakland secures affordable groceries for low-income people. Zoning laws in Los Angeles restrict the number of fast-food restaurants in high-obesity neighborhoods. There’s the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, a successful Pennsylvania program to build fresh food outlets in underserved areas, now being expanded nationally. FoodCorps and Cooking Matters teach young people how to farm and cook.
As Malik Yakini, executive director of the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network, says, “We’ve seen minor successes, but the food movement is still at the infant stage, and we need a massive social shift to convince people to consider healthier options.”
HOW do you change a culture? The answers, not surprisingly, are complex. “Once I look at what I’m eating,” says Dr. Kessler, “and realize it’s not food, and I ask ‘what am I doing here?’ that’s the start. It’s not about whether I think it’s good for me, it’s about changing how I feel. And we change how people feel by changing the environment.”
Obviously, in an atmosphere where any regulation is immediately labeled “nanny statism,” changing “the environment” is difficult. But we’ve done this before, with tobacco. The 1998 tobacco settlement limited cigarette marketing and forced manufacturers to finance anti-smoking campaigns — a negotiated change that led to an environmental one that in turn led to a cultural one, after which kids said to their parents, “I wish you didn’t smoke.” Smoking had to be converted from a cool habit into one practiced by pariahs.
A similar victory in the food world is symbolized by the stories parents tell me of their kids booing as they drive by McDonald’s.
To make changes like this more widespread we need action both cultural and political. The cultural lies in celebrating real food; raising our children in homes that don’t program them for fast-produced, eaten-on-the-run, high-calorie, low-nutrition junk; giving them the gift of appreciating the pleasures of nourishing one another and enjoying that nourishment together.
Political action would mean agitating to limit the marketing of junk; forcing its makers to pay the true costs of production; recognizing that advertising for fast food is not the exercise of free speech but behavior manipulation of addictive substances; and making certain that real food is affordable and available to everyone. The political challenge is the more difficult one, but it cannot be ignored.
What’s easier is to cook at every opportunity, to demonstrate to family and neighbors that the real way is the better way. And even the more fun way: kind of like a carnival.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Kindness and Encouragement

As someone whose weight has fluctuated up and down over the years I find it surprising that normally nice people think it's funny to subtley make fun of overweight people. 
(I've seen some fat joke photo posts lately on facebook that would have been discouraging and hurtful to those struggling with this issue posted by "nice" friends of mine!) 
We've got to love and accept people where they are at and if they want to overcome a bad habit whether it be smoking, alcoholism or overeating encouragement goes a long way!
I know people don't intend to be mean; I guess we all need to watch our mouths at times! If His Kindness leads us to repentance then our kindness will go a long way to helping others get the victory!

Friday, 19 July 2013


Three weeks and 7 pounds down.  Trying different forms of exercise from walking, zumba, pilates, efx machine and weights.  I still screw up and fall for icecream but I keep going!  I don't give up and neither should you!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Stop Eating At Night!

Five more pounds down folks!  All I did was stop eating after 6pm and it came off!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

102 Year old Pumping Weights/Inspiring

                               No More excuses, if he can do that so can we!  Isn't that inspiring!
Dear Body:
First of all I want to thank you body thank you for sticking it out with me. I know I have done some pretty abusive things to you: break an arm at 8, and a leg at 13, baking you in the sun long hours in my 20s, not feeding you very well in my 20s as well as fad diets and crazy drugs to lose weight.

I also know I have not taken care of you as well as I should of in the past and it seems that I am making up for that now. I want to let you know I am committed to keeping you strong and healthy. I think now that I am older I will respect you more and care for you more. I know that there is a lot more at stake now that you’re aging and I know that we cannot reverse the past be we can make the future bright.

I have decided in order to keep you healthy I need to get rid of the rest of the pounds that I am asking you to carry. I asked you to carry more weight than anybody should be allowed and we have shed some of that weight, but there is more to go. WHY? Because I feel once it is gone, then we can have a bit more fun. I know we will be able to walk longer heck even jog a bit longer, and I know we will be able to ride the bike more and just be able to do more things. Yes I am going to sound selfish, but I want to wear some clothes that right now we cannot, so I feel that if we got the rest of the weight off we will be in a better place.

I will keep feeding you healthy and I will keep fitness at the top of my list. I might ask you to push a bit harder but I think you can handle it. So I am ready to let go of this 60. Are you with me? I sure hope so, body. I know that we will be happy and proud and strong.

Hope you’re ready! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

One Week One Pound

One week and one pound down, now to encorporate some exercise and speed up the process a bit!  I'm staying away from sweets but have to admit I did give in to some salty cravings.

Here's a recipe for a substitute icecream dish
Freeze a banana
Take it out about 10 minutes before you want to use it and throw it in the blender.  It comes out like icecream and you can top it with fruit, nuts, cinnamon, honey or just eat it plain or with a bit of stevia.

Here's a healthy recipe for a choco cado shake:

Choco-cado Milkshake
serves 2
2 1/2 cups water or almond milk
1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
liquid stevia, to taste
2 handfuls of ice
*optional: 2 handfuls fresh spinach, for a green milkshake
Throw all the ingredients into a blender, and blend until completely smooth and creamy. (you shouldn’t see any flecks of avocado, or it kinda ruins the effect…) You could easily stop here and serve this mixture over ice.
But if you have a high-powered blender, throw two handfuls of ice into the blender and blend until ice-cold and creamy! It’s just like a milkshake!!
The cinnamon is like the “secret ingredient” to this drink– it really takes the flavor over-the-top, while hiding any avocado flavor.

Saturday, 29 June 2013


I want ice cream ! No!  I don't need ice cream to be happy!  I can do this, I'm in it for the long haul.  One treat a week (one salty and one sweet) is enough.

I just tapped into a great website to keep track of calories.  It's called; you put in your current weight and your goal and it tells you how long it will take to get there and figures out how many calories a day you should be eating.  It also figures out how much you burn based on any exercise you do, whether it be walking, biking, gardening or weights!.  You logue in your meals too and it helps you achieve your goals.  This isn't a quick fix but we can do it!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" and so can you!  He cares about all the little details of your life and about how you take care of your body.  In this time of transition I will lean on him and I hope you will too!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


Me after the weight gain.  Not going to stay like this for long!  Time to get my health back!

Me before I gained the weight,  One step at a time I'll get there only this time I'm exercising!

Day 1

Well, I weighed myself and checked my size.  It was quite a shock but I have lost weight before and I'll do it again.  Only I won't stop there.  I will continue my journey as I maintain once I reach my goal.
The ideal weight for me considering my height and build is around 150/160 and size 10. I am currently a size 16/18 and weigh 220 pounds.

I started out the day with some hot water with lemon, green tea and a fruit, veggie and protein smoothie (I added kale, carrots, blueberries peanut butter, a coco Lara bar and avocado along with almond milk for breakfast.)  I'm currently using Vega protein.  (a protein from all plant based sources)

For lunch it was a veggie loula (a pita filled with all kinds of veggies and some tzaziki sauce, along with water and a matcha green tea cupcake.

Goal to drink 2 liters of water.  (I'm getting close and it's only 3 pm!)
For supper homemade cucumber and tomato salad, and fish.

medium plum tomatoes, halved lengthwise, seeded, and thinly sliced
1/4 red onion, peeled, halved lengthwise, and thinly sliced
1 Kirby cucumber, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced
A generous drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, about 2 tablespoons
2 splashes red wine vinegar
Coarse salt and black pepper
Dress the tomatoes, onions, and cucumber with olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper.

Let stand while you prepare dinner, about 20 minutes. Re-toss 

Read more at:

Tonight I'm heading out for a brisk walk with a neighbor then plan to stretch and tone before bed.  

Here's a prayer for those of you who are people of faith.

Thank you Father that I don't desire to eat so much I become overweight.  I present my body to God, my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which dwells in me.  I am not my own.   I am bought with a price therefore, in the name of Jesus I refuse to overeat.  Body settle down, in the name of Jesus and conform to the Word of God.  I mortify the desires of this body and command it to come into line with God's Word.  (Romans 12:1, 1 Cor 6:19)

See you all in a couple days!  All the best to you!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Hope This Encourages Someone!

Gain, loss, gain, loss, up and down and so on....  My weight loss journey has been like a teeter totter the last few years and it's time for me to focus not just on loosing pounds but increasing my health and energy.
Then last of all maintaining.  (that seems to be the hardest thing for most people once they've reached their goal)
I've come to the conclusion that it's all about a permanent lifestyle change and not about a diet.
Tomorrow morning I will, gasp, weigh myself and share where I'm starting from and where I'm going to.  Before and after pictures will be posted soon.
Things like dairy, sugar and wheat will be cut significantly as I'm trying to boost my immunity and find out if I have any food intolerance's that are zapping my energy.  Feel free to post and comment about your own up's and down's and hopefully my journey will encourage you on yours!

Remember your body is a temple, let's treat it as such!  1 Corinthians 6:18-20